Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) is a public sector entity incorporated under the Pakistan Companies Ordinance 1984 and operates under the governance of the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division), Government of Pakistan (“GOP”). It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Government Holdings Private Limited (“GHPL”).
To import/ procure Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and subsequently market/ deliver Natural Gas in a safe, reliable and profitable manner. Ensure growth of the company and its people to their full potential. To be a trusted partner with all our stakeholders, while promoting sustainable development of Pakistan’s gas industry.
This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code of Business Conduct”) of Pakistan LNG Limited (“Pak LNG” or “Company”) covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. It does not cover every issue that may arise but it sets out basic principles to guide all of our personnel and may require conduct that exceeds legal minimums.
It is the policy of Pakistan LNG Limited that in all its activities there is a commitment to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and any third parties and to carry out its operations in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Playing our part
Fueling the nation
PLL will procure LNG from international markets and enter into onward
arrangements for supply of gas to the end user, thereby managing the
whole supply chain of LNG from procurement to end user gas sales.
Serving the needs
of Pakistan
and fighting
the energy crisis
In order to meet the country’s gas requirements, Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) has been mandated by the Government of Pakistan to carry out the business of buying, importing, storing LNG, distributing, transporting, metering and selling of natural gas.
Leading the way
LNG is the future...
Solving the energy deficit is crucial to Pakistan’s onward economic growth. With the depletion of local gas resources, all sectors of the economy including power, industry and fertilizer have been adversely affected. With a vast indigenous downstream gas infrastructure (over 170,000 km of pipelines, etc.) Pakistan, like very few countries, has the ability to ‘absorb and consume’ gas. Heavy investment into LNG infrastructure (pipelines, terminals, power plants, etc.) by Pakistan, coupled with global growth in LNG markets, positions the country well in the LNG/ Natural Gas supply chain.
Solving the energy deficit is crucial to Pakistan’s onward economic growth

Gunvor and Pakistan LNG Limited confirm they have now settled all outstanding legal proceedings
Gunvor and Pakistan LNG Limited confirm they have now settled all outstanding legal proceedings on terms satisfactory to all concerned. The parties look forward to continuing to work together. The terms and details of the settlement are subject to confidentiality agreements.
Lowest price offers made for LNG supply
Published in The Express Tribune, June 26, 2019
Pakistan LNG demand could triple over next 3-5 years -official
Published in Reuters, March 6, 2019
Pakistan LNG buy tender draws 30 offers from eight companies
Published in S&P Global, February 1, 2019
PLL successfully arranges additional LNG cargoes for March and April
Published in Pakistan Today, February 1, 2019
Pakistan gets lowest bid on five LNG ships
Published in The News, February 1, 2019
Pakistan LNG says 8 companies qualify to supply cargoes for March-April
Published in Business Recorder, January 31, 2019
Gas crisis ends as PLL secures additional LNG cargos at low rates
Published in Pakistan Today, January 15, 2019 Read More
Gas based electricity generation will increase >40% and will be primarily supplied by LNG
Within 3-5 years, it is expected that the imported gases as a percentage of the total gas in the system would rise to 60% from 15%
Pakistan is already a gas-based economy – 50% of Pakistan’s energy mix is gas-based and has a pipeline network of ~170,000 km